We have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart and Newcastle

Pre-Retirement Planning

We assist our clients in the pre-retirement planning stage and we find that we are able to support our clients to do better financially via a variety of strategies to prepare for retirement. Preparing for retirement is important, but it is usually never too late to start. One of the many strategies that we use is Transitioning to Retirement.

Transitioning to retirement involves more than just financial changes; it is about adjusting to a new lifestyle while ensuring your finances support your desired quality of life. Strategies may include gradually reducing work hours, maximising contributions and accessing your super to repay your debts or meet your living expenses. We specialise in Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategies that not only offer cash flow and tax benefits but also align with your personal retirement goals.

Life is a journey, it is unpredictable

How that journey unfolds for each person varies considerably. We use our experience to help you to make better financial decisions in unpredictable times and to ensure that changes in your circumstances, health crisis, divorce, inheritance, investments, are taken into consideration.

Customised TTR Strategies

Every individual's retirement vision is unique. We tailor TTR strategies to your specific needs, ensuring a smooth transition from active work to retirement.


Retirement Benefits

Our expertise can help you with your retirement benefits, assisting you to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Frequently asked questions

Transition to Retirement refers to the period when individuals start to reduce their working hours and gradually transition from full-time employment to retirement. It often involves accessing superannuation benefits while still working part-time or full-time to supplement your income if you reduce your work hours, or boost your super and save on tax while you keep working full time.

You can start a transition to retirement strategy once you reach your preservation age, which varies depending on your date of birth. Preservation age ranges from 55 to 60 years old.

A Transition to Retirement account allows you to continue to grow your super even after you reach preservation age and are still working. You can access your super in the form of an income stream, which is capped at a maximum of 10% of your super balance each financial year.

If you are age 60 or older, your TTR pension payments are tax free. If you are 55 to 59 you are taxed at your marginal tax rate, but you get a 15% tax offset.

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Superannuation Investment and Portfolio Construction

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Pre-Retirement Planning

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