We have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart and Newcastle

Superannuation and Wealth Accumulation

An important way to accumulate wealth is through superannuation. Superannuation is known as a tax preferred investment and is designed to facilitate Australians to save through for their retirement. Two ways in which wealth in your superannuation can be increased is through returns and additional contributions.

Superannuation Guarantee contributions from your employer are mandated at 11.00% of your Gross wages (excluding bonuses and Fringe Benefits) for the 2023-2024 financial year, increasing by 0.50% each subsequent year until settling at 12.00% per annum from 1 July 2025.

In addition, you can make additional contributions to your superannuation account via concessional and/or non-concessional contributions depending on eligibility. We assist you to optimise the level of contribution and integrate it with a customised investment strategy. As a specialist financial modelling firm, we can conduct cash flow and superannuation projections on a regular basis so that you know you are on track for your retirement and if not provide you with strategic advice.

Life is a journey, it is unpredictable

How that journey unfolds for each person varies considerably. We use our experience to help you to make better financial decisions in unpredictable times and to ensure that changes in your circumstances, health crisis, divorce, inheritance, investments, are taken into consideration.

Strategic Fund Selection

We guide you through selecting superannuation funds that offer transparency, liquidity, and alignment with your financial objectives, avoiding the pitfalls of opaque investments.


Risk Management in Superannuation

Understanding the risks associated with certain super investments is key. We help you navigate these challenges, ensuring your super is positioned for stability amidst global financial uncertainties.

Frequently asked questions

Superannuation wealth accumulation refers to the process of building savings and investments within a superannuation fund over time, with the goal of accumulating sufficient funds to provide financial security during retirement.

Superannuation wealth accumulation involves making regular contributions to a superannuation fund, either through employer contributions, personal contributions, or non concessional contributions. These contributions are then invested across various asset classes to generate returns and grow the fund’s value over time.

The amount you should contribute to your superannuation depends on factors such as your age, income level, retirement goals, debts, surplus cashflow and lifestyle expectations. It is essential to strike a balance between current financial needs and long-term retirement savings goals.

Maximising wealth accumulation in your superannuation fund involves regular contributions, choosing appropriate investment options based on your risk tolerance and goals, reviewing and adjusting your investment strategy periodically, and taking advantage of employer contributions and government incentives.

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