We have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart and Newcastle

Superannuation Investment and Portfolio Construction

Setch’s investment process combines a dynamic approach to asset allocation with active investment selection.

Investment Committee Oversight

  1. Financial Market Analysis
  2. Investment Due Diligence, research and Target Market Determinations
  3. Asset Allocations based on Risk Profiles and risk behaviour and appetite discussions
  4. Performance Reviews
  5. Recommended Changes
  6. Communications and Discussions with Clients

Our Portfolio Construction Process

Setch's investment process combines a dynamic approach to asset allocation with active investment selection

Stage 1

  • Risk Profile
  • Risk Behaviour and Appetite Discussion
  • Portfolio Risk Determination

This stage involves understanding your risk tolerance, which can be done through combination of questionnaires, interviews, discussions and other risk assessment methods.

Stage 2

  • Portfolio Matching
  • Portfolio Construction - Customisation (risk, return and behaviour analysis)
  • Discussion of Investments and Asset Allocation
  • Transparency-client discussions involves not just asset allocations but specific funds that will be invested in, including reasoning.

This stage determines the allocation of assets within the portfolio, balancing risk and return according to your risk profile and investment goals. Specific investment products are selected to construct the portfolio, considering factors such as suitability, performance, and cost.

Stage 3

  • Proactive recommended changes based on changing market conditions and events

The portfolio is regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure it remains aligned with your risk profile, investment goals, and market conditions. Recommendations will be made as needed. These recommendations could include adjustments to your asset allocation, rebalancing, or changes to specific investment holdings based on market analysis and investment strategy.

Life is a journey, it is unpredictable

How that journey unfolds for each person varies considerably. We use our experience to help you to make better financial decisions in unpredictable times and to ensure that changes in your circumstances, health crisis, divorce, inheritance, investments, are taken into consideration.

Frequently asked questions

Superannuation is money saved specifically for your retirement. The money is ‘preserved’ and stays within a designated superannuation fund and is often invested. Certain events trigger access to these monies and we have detailed knowledge of the eligibility criteria. Your employer must pay 11.00% (for financial year 2023-2024) of your earnings (excluding bonuses and Fringe Benefits) into your super account. In addition, you can make additional contributions to your superannuation account via concessional and/or non-concessional contributions depending on eligibility.

In conjunction with you we ascertain your risk profile and based on your risk profile (tolerance and appetite) and our Investment Committee approach to the financial markets proactively construct investment portfolios for you. View Our Portfolio Construction Process. We offer you a range of investment options depending on your risk appetite and investment goals to help you choose what is best for you and customise your portfolio.

The super will be invested in a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds, property, commodities and cash. The aim is to generate returns over the long term, which will ultimately fund retirement income for you.

We typically offer a range of investment options catering to different risk appetites and investment goals. These options may include growth, balanced, conservative, and cash investment strategies, each with varying allocations to different asset classes.

Like any investment, superannuation carries inherent risks such as market volatility, economic downturns, and legislative changes. Additionally, factors such as investment strategy, asset allocation, and fund performance can also impact the returns generated by your superannuation investments.

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